We propose the approach of Memory Hierarchy Optimization based on Empirical Search. It turns the problem of optimizing across multiple levels of the memory hierarchy to an empirical search to optimization parameter problem, and selects the best overall solution. 论文提出基于经验搜索的多级存储层次优化方法,将优化多级存储层次问题转化为对优化参数的经验搜索问题,并基于遗传算法选择全局最优解。
The memory system of modern computer are becoming increasingly sophisticated, which is a hierarchy consisting of multilevel caches 、 main memory and disk, also instructions are not executed sequentially and in constant time. 现代计算机的存储系统变得越来越复杂,它是由多级高速缓存、内存和磁盘组成一个层次结构,指令也不再是以常数时间顺序执行。
Then on the basis of the analysis to Back-End pipeline and the memory hierarchy support to memory level parallelism, we present a design of multi-port memory pipeline parallel data Cache base on EPIC architecture. 另外,在重点分析后端流水线研究和支持存储级并行的存储层次的基础上,提出了一种基于EPIC体系结构的多端口存储流水线并发执行数据Cache结构。
Based on the 'producer-consumer' property of the data access request handling, a memory hierarchy model is built using the queue theory to analyze the configuration of memory hierarchy and to guide the optimization of memory hierarchy. 根据数据访问请求处理的生产&消费特性,使用排队理论建立了一种存储层次评估模型,用于分析存储层次的配置,指导存储层次优化。
The hierarchy and implementation mechanism of Linux device driver are lucubrated. The key technique relative to the Linux device driver including memory and I/ O access, concurrent control, blocking and non-blocking and interrupt handing are studied. 深入分析了Linux设备驱动程序的层次结构和实现机制,研究了内存与I/O访问、并发控制、阻塞与非阻塞以及中断处理等关键技术。